from the Riemann Center
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The Institute of Differential Geometray coorganizes a workshop on Geometric and Analytic Aspects of Moduli … The Institute of Differential Geometray coorganizes a workshop on …
The German Science Foundation (DFG) funds a new Research Training Group. The German Science Foundation (DFG) funds a new Research Training …
Dr. Cesar Patricio Arias Huerta is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann Fellowship. Dr. Cesar Patricio Arias Huerta is visiting the Riemann Center on a …
Dr. Kamal Hajian is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann Fellowship. Dr. Kamal Hajian is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann …
Dr. Yang Liu is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann Fellowship. Dr. Yang Liu is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann Fellowship. …
Dr. Claudio Onorati is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann Fellowship. Dr. Claudio Onorati is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann …
Riemann instructorships are offerered by the Riemann Center and its participating institutes. Riemann instructorships are offerered by the Riemann Center and its …
Dr. Alberto Cattaneo is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann Fellowship. Dr. Alberto Cattaneo is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann …
Dr. Valentí Vall Camel is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann Fellowship. Dr. Valentí Vall Camel is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann …
Dr. Sibasish Banerjee is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann Fellowship. Dr. Sibasish Banerjee is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann …
Prof. Smoczyk is the new spokesperson of the Riemann Center; further steering committe members are Prof. Bauer … Prof. Smoczyk is the new spokesperson of the Riemann Center; further …
The institutes for algebraic geometry and for algebra, number theory and discrete mathematics organize a … The institutes for algebraic geometry and for algebra, number theory …