from the Riemann Center
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Dr. Yulieth Katterin Prieto Montañez gives a talk on "Hyperkähler manifolds of K3[n]-type admitting symplectic … Dr. Yulieth Katterin Prieto Montañez gives a talk on "Hyperkähler …
Dr. Juliano Morimoto is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann Fellowship. Dr. Juliano Morimoto is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann …
Dr. Yulieth K. Prieto Montañez is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann Fellowship. Dr. Yulieth K. Prieto Montañez is visiting the Riemann Center on a …
Dr. Yongchao Lü is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann Fellowship. Dr. Yongchao Lü is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann …
Prof. Smoczyk continues as spokesperson of the Riemann Center; further steering commitee members are Prof. … Prof. Smoczyk continues as spokesperson of the Riemann Center; further …
Dr. Yuguang Zhang joins the Riemann Center as a Riemann Instructor. Dr. Yuguang Zhang joins the Riemann Center as a Riemann Instructor. …
Dr. Emine Şeyma Kutluk is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann Fellowship. Dr. Emine Şeyma Kutluk is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann …
Dr. Domenico Valloni is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann Fellowship. Dr. Domenico Valloni is visiting the Riemann Center on a Riemann …
A Riemann instructorship is offerered by the Riemann Center and its participating mathematical institutes. … A Riemann instructorship is offerered by the Riemann Center and its …
Professor Schreieder joined the Riemann Center. Professor Schreieder joined the Riemann Center.
Prof. Vicente Cortés gives a talk on "Generalized connections and integrability" in the research seminar on … Prof. Vicente Cortés gives a talk on "Generalized connections and …
Prof. Caucher Birkar gives a talk on "Applications of algebraic geometry" in the colloquium of the Faculty of … Prof. Caucher Birkar gives a talk on "Applications of algebraic …