Colloquium in Memoriam Wolfgang Ebeling LUH (Institut für Algebraische Geometrie) 25.04.2025 Homepage Workshop on Aspects of Algebraic Geometry (on the occasion of Fabrizio Catanese's 75th birthday) LUH (RTG 2965) 21.03.2025 Homepage Colloquium on Geometry of Arrangements LUH (RTG 2965) 20.-21.03.2025 Homepage Workshop on Algebraic Geometry in Hannover LUH (RTG 2965) 18.-19.03.2025 Homepage
Workshop on Algebraic Cycles LUH (Institut für Algebraische Geometrie) 30.09.-02.10.2024 Homepage
Workshop on Algebraic Geometry on occasion of Klaus Hulek's 70th birthday LUH (Institut für Algebraische Geometrie) 07.-09.09.2022 Homepage
Workshop on Analysis, Geometry and PDE in Honor of the 70th Birthday of Kenro Furutani LUH (Institut für Analysis) 18.10.2019Poster Workshop on Analysis and PDE LUH (Institut für Analysis, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik) 07.-10.10.2019Homepage Summer School on Moduli and Stability Conditions LUH (Institut für Algebraische Geometrie (Riemann Junior Research Group)) 29.07.-02.08.2019Homepage Workshop on Geometric and Analytic Aspects of Moduli Spaces LUH (Institut für Differentialgeometrie) 22.-26.07.2019Homepage
Representation Theory Days 2018 LUH (Institut für Algebra, Zahlentheorie und Diskrete Mathematik) 13.-15.09.2018 Workshop on Arithmetic and Geometry of Cubic Hypersurfaces LUH (Institut für Algebraische Geometrie, Institut für Algebra, Zahlentheorie und Diskrete Mathematik) 13.08.-07.09.2018 Learn more Workshop on Determinantal Singularities LUH (Institut für Algebraische Geometrie) 05.-09.03.2018Learn more Workshop on Algebraic Surfaces LUH (Institut für Algebraische Geometrie) 01.-02.03.2018Learn more
20. NWDR (Nordwestdeutscher Darstellungstheorie-Ring) Workshop LUH (Institut für Algebra, Zahlentheorie und Diskrete Mathematik) 07.07.2017Workshop Local negativity and positivity LUH (Institut für Algebraische Geometrie) 07.-10.03.2017Homepage Combinatorial Representation Theory Afternoon LUH (Institut für Algebra, Zahlentheorie und Diskrete Mathematik) 17.02.2017Homepage 11th Nordic String Theory Meeting LUH (Institut für Theoretische Physik) 09.-10.02.2017Homepage
Workshop on algebraic surfaces LUH 15.–16.09.2016Homepage Conference on Algebraic Geometry (7ECM Satellite Conference) LUH 13.–16.07.2016Homepage Workshop on Geometric structures related to Hermitian and almost Hermitian Manifolds LUH 17.–20.05.2016Homepage An introductory Workshop on the Minimal Model Program LUH 08.–10.02.2016Homepage
Walkshop on Mathematical Physics and Partial Differential Equations LUH 16.–18.09.2015Homepage Workshop on Analytic Number Theory and Diophantine Geometry LUH 07.–11.09.2015Homepage Workshop on Hyperplane arrangements and reflection groups LUH 10.–12.08.2015Homepage Workshop on Geometry and Arithmetic of Hyperkähler Manifolds LUH 09.–11.02.2015Homepage
Riemann Workshop Gauge Theories in Higher Dimensions LUH 11.–14.08.2014Homepage Workshop 5th Northern German Differential Geometry Day LUH 03.07.2014Homepage Summer School Riemann Master School on Zeta Functions LUH 10.–14.06.2014Homepage In celebration of Reinhard Werner’s 60th birthday: Conceptual and Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics LUH 28.03.2014Homepage
Workshop on Noncommutative Field Theory and Gravity European Institute for Sciences and Their Applications EISA, Korfu, Greece 08.–15.09.2013Homepage Workshop Minimal Submanifolds & Related Topics LUH 26.–29.08.2013Homepage Summer School on Toric Geometry, Dimers & String Theory LUH 21.–24.05.2013Homepage